Sandars. K. Nancy, “The Epic of Gilgamesh”
“When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body, Shamash the glorious sun endowed him with beauty, Adad the god of the storm endowed him with courage, the great gods made his beauty perfect, surpassing all others, terrifying like a great wild bull. Two thirds they made him a god and one third man” (Sandars 61).
I like this quote because it states that they created him to reflect an image of how people would see gods. They created him this way for the people he came across to identify him as being someone that could rival the gods and accomplish feats that no other person could. He reminds me of the Greek god Hercules, as he also started a long journey to dangerous places to prove that he was someone worthy of standing alongside the gods.
“You made him, O Aruru, now create his equal; let it be as like him as his own reflection, his second self, stormy heart for stormy heart. Let them contend together and leave Uruk in quiet” (Sandars 62).
I like this quote because he was created for him to help people but took advantage that no one could come close to his strength, that he had no regard for earthly respect and would do what he pleased, as there was nothing in the world that could stop him from doing what he desired. Even though the gods made him, he also inherited the personality of some of the gods, that would think of themselves as better than the other gods. He inherited the arrogance that the gods possessed as beings that were the most powerful and would have no rivals except themselves.
“I will conquer him in his cedar wood and show the strength of the sons of Uruk, all the world shall know of it. I am committed to this enterprise: to climb the mountain, cut down the cedar, and leave behind me an enduring name” (Sandars 73).
I like this quote because it shows that even though he is strong, he knows that he will not be remembered after his death and plans to set forth on journey that would have his name immortalized even after he is gone. He realized that he has not done anything that would make his name be known throughout the world. Completing feats that no person can accomplish, he plans to live on through these stories even if the journey might end in his death.
“I entrust my son to you; bring him back to me safely” (Sandars 75).
I like this quote because you can feel the emotions that his mother is going through, she knows that there is no man that can rival his strength but knows that there are beings in the world that can kill someone like Gilgamesh. She knows the dangers and the only one that can help Gilgamesh is his own reflection, Enkidu.
“When two go together each will protect himself and shield his companion, and if they fall, they leave an enduring name” (Sandars 77).
I like this quote because he knows that Enkidu is afraid that his strength is not enough to triumph on the journey ahead that they have set for themselves. Gilgamesh keeps reassuring him that as long as they are together, they have a chance but if they are defeated, their names will live on as the ones that challenged Humbaba and be remembered that even the strongest could not be a match for a being that has not equal.
“He who leaves the fight unfinished is not at peace” (Sandars 81).
I like this quote because this can reflect how people live their lives. When a person starts something, and they give up without a second though can come back later in their life and brings regret of knowing what would have happened if they had continued what they were doing and completed it. Life gives you choice and even though at times we might be tempted to change direction, keep looking ahead an strive for the satisfaction of seeing something till it is finished.
“The strongest of men will fall to fate if he has no judgment. Namtar, the evil fate that knows no distinction between men, will devour him” (Sanadars 82).
I like this quote because sometimes life can tempt you with decisions that can affect your life for the worst and temptation to deviate from the correct path will continue to arise with every step that you take. This is why decisions need to be carefully thought out and not listen to impulses that lead to having what you set out to do take longer or never see the completion of it be in sight, causing you to give up on what you stive for.
“Enkidu, what you have spoken is evil: you, a hireling, depend for your bread! In envy and for fear of a rival you have spoken evil words” (Sanadars 83).
I like this quote because it can be interpreted as your inner voice, that tells you to keep going forward in your path and ignore the outside voices that tell you that there are easier paths to what you strive for. But never listen to these voices, they do not know all the effort you put to reach your goals and not let them steer you on a path that can change your direction to a direction that does not align with what you believe in and might keep you from reaching what you hope to accomplish.